Outstanding issues

/var/preserve, /var/tmp/vi.recover

/var/preserve still has the wrong permissions (which should be a+rwxt). As well, /var/tmp/vi.recover (used by nvi) doesn't even exist, though running nvi by root will create the directory with the correct perms.


mv /foo/bar /baz, where /foo is local ext2 and /baz is NFS, causes a "Function not implemented" error.
acli@twombly:/home/acli/misc[601]$ mv ~/bzip2-0.9.0c.tar.gz .
mv: ./bzip2-0.9.0c.tar.gz: Function not implemented
The last few lines if I strace the mv are
utime("./bzip2-0.9.0c.tar.gz", [98/11/20-22:45:03, 98/11/20-22:43:45]) = 0
write(2, "mv: ", 4mv: )                     = 4
write(2, "./bzip2-0.9.0c.tar.gz", 21./bzip2-0.9.0c.tar.gz)   = 21
write(2, ": Function not implemented", 26: Function not implemented) = 26
write(2, "\n", 1


After recompiling a lot of things for the new utmp format, "id -a" reports me being in group 0 (root) after login. The stock xdm also exhibits this behaviour. Based on available evidence (that it only affects ELF programs), I am speculating that it is an initgroups(3) problem in glibc2 (libc6).


lsof can't be recompiled due to lack of kernel sources. There seem to be more problems related to /usr/include/linux-/usr/include/bits inconsistencies, but this has not been verified yet.


libbsd needs to be recompiled in ELF, before rlogind can be recompiled. I have no idea where the libbsd sources are.

Roxen Challenger

This needs the gcc spec file fix (-rdynamic). There seems to be some broken things in the code: assignment of stdin/stdout/stderr to static variables to name one.

configure detected madvise() but failed to compile the affected code because MADV_SEQUENTIAL does not exist. AFAIK Linux doesn't have madvise(2), so something is probably wrong with its configure.

configure detected statvfs() but failed to compile the affected code, because the f_fstr member doesn't exist.

The compiled binary fails with a segmentation fault due to some unknown reason (probably unaligned integer access); I am still looking into this.


The recompiled rwhod generates a lot of apparently-bogus "Socket operation on non-socket" errors in the syslog. Ignoring ENOTSOCK doesn't seem to remove the symptoms, so it is probably some other more obscure problem.


ssh fails the gpm self-test. But with the up-to-date compiler the resulting ssh seems to function correctly.


The stock xterm doesn't clean up utmp properly; it will need to be recompiled. I have no idea where the correct xterm sources are.


ZMailer compilation fails with some obscure db-related errors. I have yet to figure out what the problem is. In the meantime, I have disabled db support.

It also can't find libgdbm.a for some obscure reason; in the meantime, linking the smtpserver manually seem to suffice. Note that gdbm needs to be recompiled and reinstalled.

When compiling the router, the link command tries to link in yes as a library when NIS is requested, which fails. The yes should be replaced with -lnss_nis.

With the resolver in the system C library, the resulting ZMailer does not seem to recognize MX records. However, with the bundled libresolv, we get a kernel error (and resolves MX names to the empty string). The compiled smtp transport-agent seems to ignore MX records. I still believe this is more likely a configuration error, but I don't know for sure if it is, or if it is NW-related. I have sent mail to the zmailer developer's list for help.

The policy database does not seem to work at all. This is in spite of having a presumably-valid policy source file. Probable gdbm problem.

The supplied autoconf is ancient; autoconf need to be fetched from prep and recompiled and reinstalled.